After two days of severe pain and minimal mobility, I feel things starting to turn around. My follow up visit yesterday went well. Dr. Kavanagh changed my pain meds to Oxycontin and Percocet since the Vicodin was not controlling the pain. We considered draining the knee due to the amount of swelling, but decided to let it try and reduce on it's own. I will be out of work next week and see him again on Thursday. I can start range of motion exercises and leg lifts. The meds and alternating icing and heating the knee finally has gotten the pain more manageable. At two this morning, waking from a drug induced sleep, I felt like moving the knee. I did some small exercises and quietly relished an improvement in the amount of mobility. I am able to sit with the knee bent more easily today. I feel like the pain is under control, though still uncomfortable. Walking is still more of a hobble than anything else. BUT....it is improvement. I think I'm at the bottom and ready to start the climb up again.
I bet you will be doing easy, local park type hiking in ... oh ...3-4 weeks. In another 2 weeks you'll being doing easy trails. A month after that you'll be saying "What knee?". Keep up with the rehab, dude!
If you find yourself looking for a brief diversion while waiting for the pain meds to kick in spend 7 minutes here:
Thanks mike! Great motivator!
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