I recently stumbled across the website for the One Day Hike, which occurs in Maryland every year. This hike is done in either a 50K or 100K hike along the C&O canal path. The 100K starts at 3a.m. and since I am working the night before until 11:30 or so, it would not be a good idea. The 50K (31 miles), however, starts at 10 a.m. at Whites Ferry, which is not to far from here. The hike ends at harpers Ferry. The site discusses a training plan over a 4 month period... not going to happen. I have put in a couple of good hikes now with various terrain and have done well. I will be getting in a couple more before the ODH event. The C&O is essentially flat, so I believe I can give this a good run for it's money. The hike ends at Harpers Ferry, where Mari will happen to be doing one of her parties. Perfect timing. Hopefully I will celebrate a completed hike at the "Secret Six" Tavern. I have been wanting to get in some miles on the C&O for some time now, and this seems like the perfect excuse.
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